Removing leaves of the plants
Removing leaves is a must with a lot of plant strains.When leaves overlap the top one has full sun and the one below a little. The leaves beneath get very little light so photosynthesis is far from optimal. This will only take energy from your plant that you would rather have in the flowers. Another side effect is that these leaves also cover buds that won’t get light. Because of this they will not develop correctly and will give very little. It may also be the case that your foliageis too thick so that moisture cannot pass through and high hummidity between your crop arises which does not benefit evaporation and at a later stage can even produce mold and bud rot. Remove the leave that is under the armpit of a side branche will cause the side branche to develop better and will become bigger and stronger. If you have a lot of leave you can start by removing these. Then you look at which leaves in your upper deck are above the tops, you can also remove them. Remove the bottom small leaves from which you can see that they are pointless. And finally if your deck is still closed, you can remove leaves in the middle deck until the light touches the ground very lightly. Your plant doesn’t need more leave for good juice flow, evaporation and photosynthesis. The open structure will certainly multiply your middle and lower deck. If you remove leaves in a early stage there will surface more leaves and the smaller ones will become bigger. Because of this it is possible you have to repeat this in a later stage. Don’t remove one leave a day but rather remove all in one go, the plant will get stressed and it is better to have that once then every day a little bit. Two weeks before harvest it is recomended to remove leaves to give your plants a hormone boost and let in more light go through the plant so your middle and lower deck will ripen and harden. Than you will have less fluff and it will all be thicker and fuller. Most leaves are pointless anyway in this late stage the plant has to ripen. One final note, you can remove leaves by swiping your nail across it or use a little scissor or little knive. Do not pull the leaves it will do more damage then necessary.